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fun little romp

cool game


This is such an underrated game!! The scares are super intense and the feel is on edge. There are many things to do, and a lot of reasons to comeback and play it multiple times! I hope someday a sequel is made...



(1 edit) (+2)

Didn't pull out any punch in this one. I thought the game was like you have a soft beginning but oh boy... I loved it. Keep up the good work.

I have my gameplay in this video:


How Can u play the game!!! If ur hiding the entire time. So depressing watching u play

I couldn't agree more to that. But what can I say the game was really scary for me and I am easily spooked. But thanks for the reply. I'm trying to train myself to handle the scaredycat tendecies


Well this was every bit as brutal as I was expecting, and then some!! I only got a few of the endings this time round but I will definitely revisit this and see what else the house has in store for me!

(1 edit) (+1)

So glad you made this definitive release, this game is damn creepy and deserves to be seen, everyone should wishlist this on steam as well

No Commentary - 3/5 Endings - True Ending Finale


Really enjoyed this prologue, man. The game is so polished now and it really takes me back to the 16-bit era, but with disturbing atmosphere lol. Good job!